DR/DNA is an acronym for «Data Reader & Discrete Noise Analyzer». This is a an open-source program that processes Brownian and Pink noise, especially from a stock market. It reads financial information from websites like StockCharts and InvestoPedia and draws price charts.

Supported indexes are: DJIA, SPX, COMPQ, VIX etc. Overlays are: Weighted Moving Average, Standard Deviation, RandomWalk Distribution, C.O.T., Volume and Spectrum.

» DR/DNA (2022)
» DR/DNA (historical data)

This program is distributed under GNU General Public License version 3, in the hope that it will be useful for someone and fun to learn… but without any warranty regarding profits or looses on the stock market.

It requires additional software: FC, Apache, PHP 7.x.

To learn more: some books and treatises on economics in PDF and DjVu files.